We have over 4000sqft of dry/de-nailed barn board in stock! Get it before there are no more barns!
Reclaimed Materials Division - Stairhaus Inc.
Stairs & railings are our forte however our reclaimed materials division has grown to be one of the largest retail locations in Ontario. We stock barn board, threshing floor, barn beams, repurposed steel roofing and more. If we don’t stock it we will find it. Check out this quick video our pals @flypressfilms did for us showcasing what our reclaimed division is all about.
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Feature Walls Rule!
Looking for a cool way to make your house stand out a little more? A barn board/grey board feature wall is very easy to install and will change the entire look of a room. Here at Stairhaus, we sell our grey board 2 ways:
RAW - the material is de-nailed and dry (basically straight off the barn)
DRESSED - the material is de-nailed, dry and ripped to width (we will organize all the cut pieces in stacks of the same size) This material is ready to be installed on a wall.
Regardless of how you want to purchase the materials, if you want a tight fitting feature wall, then the material will have to be dressed.
The barns will be gone sooner than later, get this material before it is not available anymore!
Barn Board Feature Walls
The feature wall seems to be the "in" thing to do these days. If you have been in our showroom, there is no way you can miss the 2 big display walls we installed in 1" grey board. The character you get in the barn board is from decades of wind, rain, snow and sunshine. Generally the grey board has one side grey (outside of the barn) and the inside is brown, giving you 2 options for colour when installing on the wall.
The best way to install the barn board is by strapping out your existing wall with 1x2. After the wall is strapped, we suggest you get a roll of black tar paper (roofing paper) and staple it to the 1x2. This is a cheaper and faster way to "black out" the walls as painting it will take up a of time and money. The black background on the walls will allow none of the defects to show up. If the wall was white you would see through the cracks and nail holes, highlighting the defects.
We offer our barn board 2 ways, raw or dressed. You can save a little money and dress it yourself (ripping both edges of the boards so they are square) or we will dress/prep it for you.
Take a look at a few awesome feature walls in this gallery: