When it comes to a unique factor to customize your stairs and railings there are many different options!

In-stair lighting is an incredible way to improve not only the look of your stairs but the design impact they have. For the lighting to be in the stairs they are customly fabricated to allow LED lights to be inserted behind a stair tread, along a wall, or even added into the railing system. In-stair lighting requires custom measurements and custom drawn designs. It is important to keep that in mind when it comes to the start of the design and installation process! For this unique custom piece it is important to think about it early on!

Check out our social media pages for more photos of these custom design features!


The Stairhaus Team


There are many options to customize your stairs and railings!

In-stair lighting is a fantastic way to improve the functionality and overall design impact of your stairs. Stairs can be custom fabricated to allow for LED lighting to be inserted behind the treads, along the wall, or into the railing system. These features require custom measurements and design, so it is always important to consider this early on in the design process!

Check out our social media for more photos of these custom design features!


With any new project, whether it be a renovation or a new build, there are always hundreds, if not thousands of details to consider. Each step seems to tie into another and it’s important to know what to expect so you can plan things out accordingly.

We know that it can all seem a little overwhelming at times, so when it comes to your stairs & railings we’ve put together an installation guide to help walk you through what to expect and plan for through each part of the process.

If you’re getting started with your own stair or railing project, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email and we’d be happy to help any way we can!


Barn Beam Mantels

In my opinion, nothing looks better than a barn beam mantel over your fire place.  The hand hewn beams have lots of character and give off a warm feel.

Hand Hewn: "hewing" is the process of converting a log from its rounded natural form into lumber (timber) with more or less flat surfaces using primarily an axe.  Cleaning up a beam is simple!  All you need is a wire brush and an orbital sander.  You can either stain the beam or add a protective clear coat.

Mounting a heavy barn beam mantel can be a challenge so make sure you have a clear game plan before deciding to nail one of these to one of your walls.  The most common way to install a beam is to hollow out the back and screw it to a mounting bar/plate that is already secured into your stud wall.  See below:

Step #1 - Install your mounting plate to the wall.


Step #2 - Hollow out the back of your beam.  Apply PL Premium (our favorite) to the mounting plate and inside the beam.

Step #3 - Screw the mantel at the back to the mounting plate that is on the wall.  Both the screws and adhesive will make sure that this beam isn't going anywhere.

Click below on a few examples of some really nice barn beam mantels.  Here at Stairhaus, we stock beams anywhere from 6x6 all the way up to 12x12.  The most popular mantel size seems to be anywhere around 7x7 to 9x9.  We can cut them to any length and you can pick out what beam you want to mount on your wall!

Take a look at the gallery below and be prepared to want one of these over your fireplace!  It's time to replace that cheap mdf builders grade mantel!

What's In Style? Steel Spindles!

Out with the old, in with the new!  Everyone remembers the twisted, solid steel spindles in your parents house back in the 70's, 80's and 90's right?  The top "railing" was that gaudy gold vinyl and the spindles were traditionally twisted flat black or painted white with gold "accents".  YUCK!

Well wipe that stigma from your mind!  Bezdan, our steel spindle supplier, has modernized the entire steel spindle market by offering sleek, clean and light weight new products.  These new spindles offer transparency to your home while keeping a clean modern look.  Here at Stairhaus, we currently install 9/10 homes in Bezdan spindles.  This look is timeless and they will give your home an entirely new feel.

Bezdan is a Canadian based company located in Burnaby, BC.  They have an Ontario warehouse, typically guaranteeing us orders within 24hrs to our door.  We know what the other companies offer and it was an easy decision to deal with this company.  Their quality and customer service is second to none.

Take a minute to browse their site as they offer many other products which are in line with their steel spindle product line.  Whether it be glass fittings or steel cable, Bezdan makes sure we have the materials to get the job done.


In this picture: Stainless Steel Tube Spindles 1-1/2 x 1/2 (Rectangular)

In this picture: Stainless Steel Tube Spindles 1-1/2 x 1/2 (Rectangular)

In this picture: TL12X-30 and the TL102X-1-30 in Satin Black

In this picture: TL12X-30 and the TL102X-1-30 in Satin Black

Create your own pattern with the wide variety of spindles Bezdan offers.

Create your own pattern with the wide variety of spindles Bezdan offers.