Have you been looking at your stairs recently and think that they are in need of being refreshed but the structure is still in great shape?

Tread caps are a great way to refresh a set of stairs that are still in good structural shape and are cost effective. Tread caps are installed directly over existing treads! This ensures that the staircase layout and design structure is not changed. By capping a set of stairs allows for a cost effective refresh to occur when the frame and stability of the current stair structure is not the issue.

Along with the addition of tread caps, new railings can reconstruct a space. Combining different materials, such as wood, glass, and steel can create an exquisite railing system to be created into any and all designs.

Check out our social media pages for more inspiration and ideas on how to refresh your home!


The Stairhaus Team


Open rise stairs are an excellent way to modernize your space and allow maximum light into the area.

These stairs are a contemporary design feature to highlight within your space. Open rise stairs can also be complemented by a number of guard styles, be it glass, custom steel or wood railings.

Check out our social media for more samples of these sick stairs!

Stairhaus Promotional Video

We are proud to release the final 2min version of a promotional video we started filming in the fall of 2017.  Our friends at Flypress Films nailed it, we are extremely happy with the finished result!

Check it out and let us know what you think!

Stairhaus Promo Video Sneak Peak

We are super stoked to let you all have a sneak peak at a promotional documentary we had completed for us. Our friends at @flypressfilms knocked this out of the park. Rich and his crew are true professionals, it was a ton of fun seeing this come together. Can’t wait to show you the full video. Let us know what you think!


How it's done!

This is how you make all the stair parts disappear! Planning is critical with a stringerless/infinity open rise stair like this. This is 1 of 3 sets in this amazing Lake Joseph cottage. The custom fabricated steel tread brackets are mounted to the LVL backed walls. These walls will then get boarded with 1/2" ply followed by 5/8" mdf which will be painted. We will be installing 3" white oak box treads for a seamless/stringerless infinity look.

Job location: Lake Joseph, ON.

10k - Thank you!

THANK YOU INSTAGRAM NATION! It has been really cool to see our business grow, a lot of it has to do with this Instagram profile. We appreciate all of your comments & shares, we absolutely love what we do and it's rad to see people from all over the world like/share/love our work. Thanks from the Haus crew, 100k followers is our next goal. Prost!

Meet Wolfgang - Our New Delivery Truck

Meet Wolfgang, our brand new stair delivering machine! Having 3x stair installation days a week was starting to take its toll on our F250/trailer. We wanted to thank Greg over at Lewis Motor Sales for taking great care of us. Can't wait to show you this truck in a week as we are getting it wrapped - highlighting a job we recently got professional pictures of. Big thanks to @darreneagles for getting some killer shots.


Really Cool Stairs #5 - Circular Stair Edition

Most people walk up and down their carpet grade circular in their home every day and not think much about it.  Did you know it takes nearly 3-4x longer to build a circular over a standard straight set of stairs?  We love building circulars however they seem to be less and less popular as the typical 2 storey homes are being replaced with larger bungalows. 

A circular stair takes up more room however definitely makes a statement when you first walk into a house.  Here at Stairhaus, we are fully capable of designing and building virtually any circular you throw at us.  Whether its curved nosing & railing or the  traditional "Scarlett O'Hara" sweeping double circulars, let us make this happen for you!

*Click on the pictures below to move to the next one