How Do You Protect Your Stairs From Damage Once Installed?

This is a very common question and we want you to know that we have this covered!  Every set of stairs leaves our production facility wrapped and protected.  We highly recommend that your new stairs be installed just after drywall, however sometimes the stairs are installed before.  In a new build, you will have trades constantly using the stairs to get up and down, so it is crucial that the wood is protected.

As you can see above we have 3 layers of protection.  The first layer is a plastic/poly sheet which keeps the dust, dirt and sand off of the treads which is then followed by a layer of cardboard.  This is all held down with a strip of 1/2" particle core.  The strip is stapled down using 18g staples which are easily removed.  Once you are ready to finish the stairs, the protective strips are removed and the small staple holes are filled using a wax pencil (this process should be done by a professional finisher).

Let us know if you have any questions.  The protection aspect of our stairs can be modified based on how much protection you want.  For example, if you have a pine set of stairs, we will cut the protective strips the length of the tread so that none of the soft wood is exposed. 

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